We have arguably redirected the course of the good ship America in a way that is irreversible. To what extent the rush to government succor in this crisis sets us in the direction of our European cousins we cannot yet know. We can only know that the more we see unfolding, the more we lose confidence. We can also know that much of Europe lives with extraordinarily high taxes, suppressed creativity, lost entrepreneurialism, a nearly non-existent meritocracy, and a severely declining lifestyle. I hope we survive the onslaught and emerge whole again. Somewhere in between opening the doors to the Gordon Gecko-ish (greed is good) bastards via unchecked financial "innovation", a complete breakdown in the regulatory system, and now a newly socialized banking industry, there must emerge a balance somewhere that preserves what was...as Mr. Menges writes it..."once the only remaining superpower". Then again, maybe there is not a mid ground. Maybe its all too little and too late. If so we may as well all learn how to call a grilled cheese sandwich a "croque monsieur" and wear jackets draped over our shoulders. - Simplifried
Nota Bene:
Market volatility will still be the action du jour for a while - possibly until the end of the year. First and last hour of trading is going to be excessive and dramatic - up or down. Right now there is a lot of forced selling from hedge fund redemption's as billions of dollars are pulled out of the market - which could continue for another 2 months. Since mutual find redemption's are done at the end of trading, I believe it is what is making the last hour move so much. Possibly some good bargains to get if you can stomach the volatility - oil dropping down below $70 per barrel projects a doomed economy, while giving a bigger tax cut to Americans than all of Obama's and McCain's proposals put together. Mixed blessings for an already confused market. Next week I think AIG is suppose to pay off the cock sucking scum-bag naked short seller's Credit Default Swaps that were used in part to destroy Lehman Brothers - those crooks who destroyed the bank will get their hefty insurance payoff, which may be as much as $100B...(add that to the already ridiculous amout the gov paid to bail out AIG and pay for thier crooked management's bonus and spa hot tub holidays.) Not sure how it will impact the market, but when the story gets out, it will cause sentiment anxiety and more frustration to an already pissed off public. Public sentiment seems to be crashing lower and lower each day, as people grasp what has happened to their 401K accounts, see mortgage interest rates continue to go up as the banks get their capital base rebuilt, and foreclosures continue to out pace any other housing statistic...the worst Xmas expected in 20 years (unless "Face Lift" Pelosi rallies the Dem Congress for a year end stimulus package of more welfare checks for America - Merry Socialist Christmas) as the sun sets on what was once the only remaining super power. Have a nice day. - Jim Menges, Oct 16, 2008